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There are MANY ways to save on AAA registration fees and tuition!  These include one-time discounts and scholarships as well as monthly discounts that will help you save money throughout the school year.  Click on each discount below to get more detailed information on how to start your savings now! Get your Financial Worksheet Here.


Academy Day

Special scholarships of $50 are awarded at Academy Day each year for NEW students.  All you have to do is show up for Academy Day – it’s that easy! (Registration is required, please visit our ACADEMY DAY PAGE to register) The entire scholarship amount will be applied to the amount owed on registration day.  If a student leaves school before the close of the school year, the unused portion will be charged back to the student account.

Friend Referrals

Refer a friend to AAA, bring them with you to registration, and receive $100 cash after you and your friend have completed the registration process and been accepted as students.  The Friend Referral Form must be filled out PRIOR to registration day stating that you personally recruited the new AAA student(s).  The limit is $500 cash per student (five friend referrals) per school year.  Click here to access the Friend Referral Form or pick one up at the business office today and start earning cash tomorrow!

Early Application

For new and returning students, March 31 is a crucial deadline to remember. In order to receive the early application discount of $100(new student) or $65(returning student) towards your registration fee, you must submit the online application (new students) or online re-enrollment form online re-enrollment form(returning students) by March 31. No early application discounts are available after March 31.

Pre-Pay Discount

Payment of the entire year’s tuition charges and entrance fees at registration will qualify you for a discount of 3% (up to $300/year).  To receive the full 3% discount, payment must be made with check or cash.  If you choose to pay with a credit or debit card, the discount will be 1%.

Payment of a semester’s tuition charges and entrance fees in advance (paid at registration for first semester and during Christmas break for second semester) will qualify you for a discount of 2% (up to $100/semester).  To receive the full 2% discount, payment must be made by check or cash.  Semester payments with a credit or debit card will not be eligible for the 2% pre-payment discount.

Summer Credit Bonus

For every payment amount that produces a credit on your tuition account during the summer months, the business office will credit the account 5% of the payments on a cumulative basis.  Here’s how it works – make even payments of $650 in May, June, and July and receive up to a total of $200 in summer payment bonuses (5% compounded monthly!).


*NEW* AAA Worthy Student Endowment Scholarship

Put in place in 2016, this scholarship program is available to award Georgia-Cumberland Conference Seventh-day Adventist Church members 31 scholarships in the amounts of $1,000, $2,500, and $5,000 for a total of $80,000 each year.  Applicants must submit the “AAA Worthy Student Endowment Scholarship Application” and a copy of their most recent 1040 tax return each year to be considered for this scholarship.  Students of denominational employed parents who receive tuition assistance are ineligible for this scholarship. The Finance Committee will review all applications in June and July, and funds will be awarded based on need and the overall financial plan.  Failure to keep the tuition account current may result in the loss of future AAA Worthy Student Endowment disbursements.  If a student leaves the school for any reason and there is a credit on the tuition account, before issuing a refund to the parent, funds will be returned to the worthy student scholarship account up to the maximum of the amount distributed and the amount of the credit on the account when the student leaves.

Financial Aid/Worthy Student

Financial assistance is available for families with extenuating financial circumstances. This aid may be obtained by filling out a request for financial assistance and by providing a copy of the most recent year’s tax returns.  Scholarships range from $500 to $3,500 for a school year per student and are awarded on a monthly basis (i.e. $50/mo for a $500 scholarship & $350/mo for a $3,500 scholarship).  The Finance Committee will review all applications in June and July, and funds will be awarded based on need and the amount of funds that the academy has available for distribution.  Failure to keep the tuition account current may result in the loss of future financial aid disbursements.  If a student leaves the school for any reason and there is a credit on the tuition account, before issuing a refund to the parent, funds will be returned to the worthy student scholarship account up to the maximum of the amount distributed and the amount of the credit on the account when the student leaves.

Church Subsidy

There are several local Seventh-day Adventist churches that offer a monthly tuition subsidy to AAA students who are members of their respective church.  Contact your church directly to find out the current amount that is provided toward AAA tuition for member students.  Please request that the pastor, head elder, or treasurer sends an email to to confirm the name of the student and voted amount that will be sent to AAA for the coming school year.  It is advised that this be done by April to give churches enough time to run all applications through their board and get on their upcoming church budgets if needed.

Academic Scholarships

High Honors – All A’s (if incoming freshman) or GPA of 3.7 - 4.0 (sophomore – junior) - $1000

Honors – A’s and B’s (if incoming freshman) or GPA of 3.0 - 3.69 (sophomore – junior) - $500

Incoming freshman – submit final 8th-grade report card to the finance office for requesting scholarships.  Sophomore and higher, please submit the most recent transcripts that show the final cumulative GPA for requesting scholarships.  All scholarships awarded, except freshman, will be reviewed each semester and if cumulative GPA changes to increase or decrease the current awarded scholarship, then the following semester will be awarded the new scholarship based upon the most updated cumulative GPA.  Students may move up to the high honors or down to the honors scholarships for each year, but if the cumulative GPA at the end of any semester falls below 3.0, then the student would be ineligible to receive an academic scholarship in the future.

Sibling Discount

Families with more than one student enrolled at AAA will receive a $1,000 family discount for the second child and a $2,500 family discount for the third child.  This discount will be applied to each billing on a pro-rated basis.

Summer work opportunities

Non-AAA Youth Summit Magabook Program Work Matching

Students have the opportunity to work during the summer selling books and materials through the Youth Summit Magabook program, which is a literature evangelism ministry of the Southern Union.  Students are then eligible to receive a 25% match of their earnings that will be applied to their school account, up to $500 per year.  A student’s earnings check from the Magabook program must be signed over to AAA at the end of the summer.  For more information and to apply for the Magabooks summer program, click here.

Summer Camp Work Matching Fund

Students who work at any Adventist Youth Summer Camp during the summer have the opportunity to apply their earnings to their school account.  Once the earnings check is received at the end of the summer, the student must sign over the full check to AAA.  The business office will then match 25% of those earnings and apply that amount to the student’s account, up to $500 per year.  Click here to be directed to a page listing all the summer camps in the Southern Union.

Student Work

Matching Work Scholarship

This scholarship offers students the chance to earn money towards tuition for working outside of school hours.  This $500 scholarship was conceptualized to meet the need for the teaching industry and entrepreneurship in business at an early age.  Students can perform jobs such as babysitting, lawn care, etc.  The possibilities are limitless! 

Students are required to turn in their earnings and receipts to the business office on a monthly basis.  All monies earned are then matched dollar for dollar by AAA, up to $500 per year!  For a copy of the scholarship guidelines, as well as the Acceptance and Business Plan Application, click here.

The PFE Program

The Partnering for Eternity (PFE) program strives to build intergenerational connections, providing
opportunities for students and mentors to receive Christ’s blessings of service, growth, and friendship.
This scholarship is limited to fifteen (15) students per semester. The students who participate in this
program receive an $800 dollar scholarship each semester. The application process begins with a
screening of applicants by the Academy’s administration. Click here to begin the process or contact the
Academy’s business office personnel. More information regarding this scholarship is available on the flyer or the PFE scholarship webpage.

Duluth Janitorial Work

There are a limited number of janitorial jobs available at the Duluth campus in which students can earn money towards their tuition.  The earnings can equal approximately $1,000/year.  There are roughly six janitorial jobs at the Duluth campus where students would work from 30 minutes to 90 minutes a day after school making sure that the building cleaning inside and outside is completed and ready for the next day’s activities.  Those that need to ride our transportation are ineligible to apply because our vehicles leave immediately when school is out for the day.  Contact the business office to apply and reserve your spot.

NON-AAA Scholarship Opportunities

AAA Scholarship Foundation (Academic Achievement Accessible)

The AAA Scholarship Foundation (not to be confused with AAA – Atlanta Adventist Academy) is a private, non-profit organization in the states of Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.  The AAA scholarship program awards private school tax credit scholarships to eligible students entering from eligible households to help them attend an eligible private school of their choice.  

The scholarships may be used to pay for tuition and fees in Georgia.  These scholarships are funded by companies and individuals who care about their community and want to invest in quality educational choices for those who otherwise would not be able to afford them.

For more information about this scholarship program and how to apply visit

ARETE Scholarships

An Atlanta-based Foundation, ARETE is helping to break the barriers to academic and personal achievement by expanding access to high-quality educational opportunities. Arete’s scholarships are based on the income guidelines for the Federal Free & Reduced Lunch program (FRL) and pay up to $4,000 per year for private school tuition and fees.  Visit them today to apply… deadlines for new applications close usually the same day that they open, due to the demand on this program, so watch for new application dates.

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